Q: Do you watch reality-TV shows?

A: I do watch a little bit. I've seen Survivor and The Bachelor.

Q: What do you think?

A: They're not bad shows. But these people are living in fantasyland. Every time the bachelor picks a female, haven't they broken up later on? Every one of them breaks up, including that other one, Joe Millionaire. No one has gotten together.

Q: Why watch?

A: Television is my entertainment.

Q: Like an escape?

A: Just entertainment. I don't escape. I'm a realist. Do you know what a realist is? A realist doesn't deal with any fantasy.

Q: Well, they call it reality television. Anything real about it at all?

A: It's a stretch. It's just 15 minutes of fame. Or people looking for financial rewards.

Q: Any lessons to be learned there?

A: There are absolutely no lessons that can be learned there.

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