Best of Broward-Palm Beach® 2016 | South Florida

Best Of Broward-Palm Beach® 2016

Yes, South Floridians — you’re all special snowflakes, wonderful in your own unique way. But some of you are a little more special. Some of you are freakin’ champions.

We say competition is a good thing, not least of all because it keeps everyone on their toes, striving to improve. Luckily, all around us amazing people and high-quality businesses are always upping their game, adding special touches, and making this a pretty awesome place to live.

In our annual Best of Broward-Palm Beach issue, we call out the people who’ve been most impressive this past year, as well as our favorite eateries, most delightful diversions, and top places to shop. Readers have also cast ballots for their faves in our Readers’ Poll.

Read on, and you’ll find out which politician was tops in 2016, where to find the best little Vietnamese joint, and which of Donald Trump’s real estate gems stood out in a yuge way.

Thanks for reading, champ!

Illustrations by Alvaro Diaz-Rubio

Best Of Broward-Palm Beach®

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