Best Miami Heat Player 2016 | Dwyane Wade | Sports & Recreation | South Florida

The big stories this season for the Miami Heat focused on many of the newer names adorning the roster sheets. Star center Hassan Whiteside is finally getting out of his own way to become a legit all-around player. The late-February signing of veteran All-Star swingman Joe Johnson has paid massive dividends. And the emergence of rookies Josh Richardson and Justise Winslow in the absence of Chris Bosh is a testament to the management of one the league's most consistent franchises. However, it was the return to form by the Heat's greatest all-time player that quietly became the warm center that this team huddled beside for comfort and reassurance. For the first time in more than four years, 34-year-old Dwyane Wade was healthy enough to play the majority of an entire season. Through a combo of cleverness and patience, Wade and the Heat staff managed his various rehabs, his minutes, and his approach to the game to ensure he was on the floor when they needed him most. Flash isn't as quick as he used to be, but this past season, he not only provided the leadership he always has but he also delivered the sort of signature performances we haven't seen since his prime, when he carried the weight of Miami's championship hopes on his battered legs. It was a banner year that saw both his knees and the future of the team in better shape than expected.

Readers' choice: Dwyane Wade

South Florida is full of people with gobs of disposable income. Hang outside any steakhouse, and you'll see them in action: tanned, leathery men rolling around in convertible Bentleys, clouds of Davidoff Cool Water and cigar smoke following in their wake as they bounce from one champagne-soaked party to another. Though the wealthiest Floridians often act like they can get whatever they want — including their own tax laws or zoning ordinances — occasionally, things do get in their way. But Fort Lauderdale's Millionaire's Concierge exists to make sure that rarely happens. Need a Lamborghini or 60-foot yacht for the day? Easy. Got a zillion bucks and want to be unnecessarily placed in a film? No problem. Want to spend a leisurely Saturday inside a fighter jet? They've got entire party packages for that. As the founder, Doug Turner, claims on his website, "Your only limitation is your imagination!" Ditto the size of your wallet.

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