Today's happening downtown in Delray would be as unrecognizable to time travelers from 50 years ago as it will probably be to us 50 years from now. But a few things remain delightfully constant, and Doc's All American is one of them. Doc's has been serving classic Archie Comic Book-esque foods like burgers, hot dogs, and fries since Frankie and Annette were still making those endless beach movies — that's 1951, if all of those references are too old for you. The staff has had decades to perfect the milk shake, and boy, has it ever! You can have your shake made from the soft serve or the hand-dipped ice cream, with flavors like pistachio, cookie dough, toasted coconut, Snickers, and double-fudge brownie. Mix-ins abound, and — most important, if you give a damn about classic authenticity — the place actually has malteds.