Let's face it: Buffets can be scary. In most American buffets, you have to thwack your way through aisles of love handles just to get to the fried chicken. You're likely to get forked in the wrist if you reach for the last shrimp. And the only thing left for you to pick from are green beans that look like a shriveled Shrek wiener. But don't write off buffets completely until you've been to Kyojin for lunch. Now, $16.95 may not sound like a cheap lunch to some, but consider what you're getting. The Kyojin lunch buffet offers an assortment of fresh sushi, Japanese and Chinese cuisine, hibachi, and desserts that include the surprisingly delicious green tea ice cream. You won't leave Kyojin hungry. You won't leave Kyojin resembling anything close to hungry. You won't want to think of food for at least 24 hours, until — of course — lunchtime the next day. Then you'll want to go to Kyojin again.