Try as you might, you lack self-control. It would be nice if you were part of that specially selected few with the ability to follow a yoga routine at home, without a guide coaxing them through completion. But you are not. The flipside, of course, is that you can stretch and bend in the company of South Florida's finest yogis: the staff of Red Pearl Yoga. More than a traditional yoga den, this loft space is warm, breezy, and forever inviting. It's a judgment-free zone where lost sheep aren't shamed after months of absence. Instead, diehards simply smile and scoot over so you can pick up where you left off — clumsily folding yourself into pretzel-like shapes before promptly tumbling over. In this magical studio, sunbeams reach through the open windows and extend along the floor, allowing you to roll around and warm yourself like a cat while opening up your chakras. Caring leaders, like Karen Gavrilov, roam as they guide, gently repositioning you from "ugh" to "ahh" postures. But the best thing about Red Pearl? Here, exercise doesn't feel like work. It feels like a welcomed reward.

One of the first things to get slashed in personal budgets during rough economic times is entertainment. It's hard to justify spending $30 on the newest hardcover teen vampire love story when the power bill is looming, but the government is here to bail you out. The Hollywood Branch of the Broward County Library is a sprawling, two-story shrine to the written word and self-education of every kind. Aside from the obvious catacombs of books, countless groups meet there to conduct meetings, seminars, speeches, lectures, and children's activities almost every night of the week. These events range from a monthly screenwriters meeting to beginner Spanish classes to creative writing seminars to celebrations of famous authors' birthdays. The best part: They're all free and open to the public. It's not every day you can learn Spanish, celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday, and pick up a half dozen novels without spending a dime. Oh wait, maybe it is.

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